Cloudflare optimal settings

If you Google cloudflare settings for wordpress you will find a lot people giving tutorials how to speed up sites using Cloudflare. Let me tell you all of them are bullshit; the more you optimize the more problems you’re gonna face.

Here is the settings that I use where you won’t get any cache problems while keeping the Cloudflare security.

Crypto -> SSL = Full

Speed -> Auto Minify = Untick everything (JavaScript, CSS & HTML)

Speed -> Rocket Loader = Off

Caching -> Caching Level = No query string

Caching -> Browser Cache Expiration = Respect Existing Headers

Caching -> Always Online = Off

Firewall -> Settings -> Security Level = High

Firewall -> Settings -> Challenge Passage = 15 Minutes

Disable Cloudflare Caching

Cloudflare caching is the most terrible thing. That is the culprit of most problems. If you are like me who hates Cloudflare caching then create a Page Rules in Cloudflare with the path ** and select Cache = Bypass

This rules will apply on the domain including all of its sub domains. For example:

Thanks to sdayman who helped me to achieve this.